Today has been a good day!
Despite getting up early to work-out as per usual.
Despite not working out in the afternoons like I told myself I was going to do this week.
Despite having my doc dig into my back to remove two possibly cancerous moles.
So why has this been a great, awesome, kick-ass day?!
That is right, folks! Something I'm doing is FINALLY working! Two weeks ago when I went to the docs office, I was 348.something (I never pay attention to this so I'mma stop lyin' 'bout that right now), BUT TODAY?
I'm not ashamed to say that I haven't been this "light" in almost 5 years.
Sure I'm still the size of a 6-month old elephant, but now I know what I'm doing is kinda starting to work!
Over the next few weeks, I'm going to try to split my work-outs into two segments.
The reason for this? My ASS falls asleep after 20 minutes on the bike. SO, provided we keep the stationary bike, I'll do 20 minutes in the morning, then 20 minutes again at night.
I know some of you may be doubtful of the whole 20-minutes-a-day thing - but NEENER (see above). *coughs* I digress. Anyway, that's the plan. 40 minutes a day = reaching my goal faster.
At least now I have less than 90lbs left to lose!
GREAT job, Trisha! I'm so proud of you!