Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Been a few days, I know...

Well, a week or longer. It's been a long week.

At work I'm now the 2nd trainer - so I assist the 1st trainer and this week she's on vacation. Makes for a long, kind of hectic day. Tomorrow is going to be particularly rough because I do have regular work to do opposite the training I have to do.

Anyway, enough about work.

Last week I weighed myself on Sunday morning, as is my wont, and once again I hadn't lost weight - I was at 350.6. I thought, "well, I'm sunk..." I was depressed, irritated with myself, etc.

Then on Weds I was weighed for a Drs appointment - 347.6. Odd, right?

Then I weight myself on Saturday (because I wasn't sure if we'd have guests this past Sunday) and sure enough, my scale said 350.4.

It finally dawned on me - maybe I'm NOT to blame for this whole weight thing? Afterall, who gains and loses nearly 3 lbs every other day? NO ONE.

Sounds like I'm going to need a new scale. And maybe this thing is actually working?

The doctor's visit also told me something else - once again they've confirmed that I have the right amounts of hormones, my blood pressure is normal, my sugars are normal and my thyroid is fine. Apparently I'm just a big damn girl!

I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Next in my physical redefinition? Moles being removed. Back a few years ago I had 4 removed that showed some precancerous signs, so Dr. is just making extra-sure, I guess. Those get removed on the 28th.

Fast forward to today, after all the past is in the past, right?
I'm still feeling kind of depressed and down. It could just be that time of the month (again?!) but there ya go.

That's the update on me now, folks. Gimme a couple more days...maybe I'll feel entertaining again.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there ... I am always here for you!!!! So proud of you for everything you have done so far and you should be proud of yourself. Your health is #1 so take care of yourself. :)
