Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ahh....5am, how I've missed thee. NOT.

Okay, so, this is day 3 of this new "goal" thing.
It's...not going so hot. It's going better than it could be, but damn, the first week sucks my butt.

Monday was okay...I did a good job with the food thing. Sorta. S'mores Pop-Tarts are the bane of my existence. My husband likes Pop-Tarts. He knows I love S'Mores Pop-Tarts. Thus they appear in my house. -.- I think he opened a new box, though, to feed my hunger. I think I need chocolate.

Tuesday was not good - there was a pot-luck at work. And who thinks it's rude if you don't try everything? ME! I did hold off on 2 hotdogs - only had one. They were tasty. Reminds me...I wonder what we're doing for dinner tonight. >.>

Anyway, a few extra thoughts popped into my head throughout the last two days.

1) I hate 5am. YES, I have been "good" in that regard - I've gotten up at 5am to ride 15 minutes on our stationary bike. Then I drop to the floor and do 15 reps of weights in 3 positions for my arms. I hate my arms. They are hamshanks, ffs! Anyway, 15 curls on each arm. 15 lifts on each arm. 15 over my head. My arms are hurting. But they could be worse!

2) I have to scream "BABIES!" at myself several times through this ~20 minute workout.

And ya know what? Before someone gives me freakin' lip about only doing 20 mins - I'M A FATTY! I'M STARTING OUT SLOW! DEAL WITH IT! -.-


Again, digressing.
I scream "babies" at myself to make sure I remember why I'm doing this. This whole 5am thing.
"Well, why don't you work out in the afternoon, Trisha?"

That's an excellent question, reader!

I'd rather work out in the morning - people say it "jump-starts" your metabolism and it's probably the hardest thing I make myself do throughout my day - so why not get it the hell over with? Shewt.

I did weigh myself Monday morning.

Shit happens, I know. Fat shit happens to me, apparently.

Anyway, that's where I'm at.
Did I say I was going to try to type daily? Shewt, people, I have a life besides this! ;)

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